Wednesday, 27 April 2011


"Excuse me? No, I am not just some guy. I am a blogger."

Yeah, damn it all, I'm blogging again. Who do I think I am. Kinda feels good! I mean, Twitter's great and all, but frequently what I want to say will require more than fifteen words, and Christ it winds me up when I see a simple thought staggered across like ten tweets in a row. At the moment I'm finding Blogger a bit of a prick to navigate, but I'm sure we'll make friends before act three.

Blogger, then, and the reason I'm here: This dude Frank asked me a while ago if I'd like to join in on a magazine he was starting up. I was enthused by this, but also slightly terrified, so I said no thanks. And just now, BAM, we're doing a big ol' TF blog instead! Look at it. It's gonna be great. Unbelievably, Brent and Colin have also gotten involved. What the frick?!

Ugh, I completely hate using the word "gotten".

Look! It's called "Thog". It's like "Thew" plus "Blog". Get it? "Thog". Tragically I can't even take credit for it. It was a dude on Twitter called EigoRisu. Thanks, man!

So anyway, mostly I'm just here for the TF thing. I didn't really know what I was doing when I was setting it up, so Thog was kind of an accident. Thought I'd need it to post in the TF blog, but I guess not! Still, it's nice to have a place to dump whatever stupid bollocks I'm thinking about, but I can't promise it'll be of any interest to anybody who isn't me.